Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE), Aviation Survival Technician (AST), Aircrew Flight Equipment Specialist (AFE)...all the different descriptions work to make aviation/aircrew flight equipment work safely and effectively for every crew member that passes through their shops.
I love velcro, silicone and zip ties as much as a next person - essentials for any shop. But when you can have a specific, engineered solution - use it.
Our adapters and lights are designed to fit specific helmets and headsets. The mic adapter snaps, screws, clamps or slips right into place. No need to remove it to replace the light. If you have to change a mic, or cable, you are not left working on the helmet for 15 minutes just to get it ready for repair.
Upgrade the equipment your aircrews are using. Get in touch and let's talk about how we can help you complete your mission!